Denmoza rhodacantha
Introduction Denmoza only has one species in its genus. It forms columns and usually does not branch in habitat. It was originally found in the Mendoza region of Argentina–Denmoza is an anagram for...
View ArticleMammillaria heyderi
(Photograph = Mammillaria heyderi gummifera, Zacatecas, MX, Amante Darmanin) Introduction Mammillaria heyderi is a short, flat cactus that settles firmly in the ground. Sometimes it is even retracted...
View ArticleThe Cactaceae, Britton and Rose
Introduction The Cactaceae is comprised of 4 volumes about cacti. It was written by Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose and published between 1919 and 1923. It was published through the...
View ArticleCoryphantha octacantha
Introduction Sometimes plant names can tell you about the plants: the name Coryphantha was derived from two Greek words: koryphe (= head) and anthos (= flower). Thus, the flowers of Coryphantha arise...
View ArticleSclerocactus johnsonii
(Photograph: Sclerocactus johnsonii, Nancy Hussey) Introduction Sclerocactus johnsonii has been a member of various genera: Echinocactus, Echinomastus, Ferocactus, Neolloyeia, Thelocactus, and even...
View ArticleAloe dewinteri
Introduction Aloe dewinteri creates solitary rosettes and is slow-growing, usually stemless, and up to 60 mm in diameter. The leaves are firm, ascending but becoming spreading and recurved, The leaf...
View ArticleFerocactus cylindraceus
(Photograph = Ferocactus cylindraceus, Nancy Hussey) Introduction Some barrel cacti grow to 2-foot across and over 2-meters tall in Mexico, but such plants are uncommon or absent in the United States....
View ArticleCacti Are Cool
Introduction Members of the Cactaceae are found from northern United states to Argentina. They can be exquisitely shaped and have open or tubular flowers of many colors. Even their fruits can be...
View ArticleSclerocactus
(Photograph = Sclerocactus parviflorus, Dorde Woodruff) Introduction The genus Sclerocactus is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico ( The plants occur widely but...
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